My own songs


Having named the first album “MY UNIVERSE”, I wanted to emphasize the significance of each song that it contains. There I tell the story of my life, open the most hidden corners of my soul, and share joy and sorrow.

The songs included in the album were written at certain stages of my life, which I captured in music. When feelings are overwhelmed and the right words are not enough, a melody comes to the rescue. Writing a catchy song with deep meaning and a beautiful motive is not an easy task. That is why it took me 7 whole years to gain the necessary experience which I am now sharing with you. My songs are united by a love of life, faith in goodness, and a bright future. In each of them, even the most minor one, I leave room for hope of a happy continuation. I want to believe that my music will resonate in many hearts because it is taken from the depths of my own. The main motive of the entire album is a call to live in the present, to enjoy every moment, and not to look back. It is important to correctly set priorities and values ​​and not focus on the bad – life is too short to spend it on this.

Album title: “My Universe”
Album artist: Artyom Kashkin
Genre: orchestral pop
Number of tracks: 16
Duration: 54:48
Release date: 2012 – 2025
Quality: mp3 (256 kbit/s)