
A new work has emerged on the musical horizon — the song “Любовь Моя” (“My Love”). This composition immerses in a world of deep feelings and emotional experiences, conveying the full spectrum of love, fear of loss, and hope for reunion.

About the song

In the first verse, the lyrical hero feels the presence of their beloved but cannot find them. The lines “You are somewhere nearby, you are here, I know” create an atmosphere of uncertainty and longing. The theme of anticipation, expressed in the lines “The waiting drives me mad,” becomes central to the song, highlighting how profoundly love can affect one’s perception of time and space.

The chorus, resonating like a cry of the soul, emphasizes the power of feelings: “My love — my eternal struggle, all my thoughts are only of you.” Here, love is portrayed not only as a source of happiness but also as a cause of suffering. This duality makes the text particularly poignant — love, as both life and pain, becomes an inseparable part of the hero’s existence.

In the second verse, the hero faces challenges brought by nights filled with the bitterness of separation. The phrase “With each dawn, my path to you grows shorter” symbolizes hope for a soon-to-come reunion, despite the physical distance. This hope becomes a driving force, enabling the hero to overcome difficulties.

The third verse continues to explore the theme of search. The lyrical hero walks “through the labyrinths of foreign worlds,” symbolizing the complex paths that must be traversed in the quest for love. The words “I believe, one day fate will guide me” remind that sometimes destiny points the way, and it is essential not to lose faith.

Instrumental interludes between the verses add depth to the composition and create an atmosphere of anticipation. These musical moments allow for immersion in the emotions conveyed by the lyrics and provide the opportunity to process each thought and feeling.


Ты где-то рядом, ты где-то здесь, я знаю.
Но, не найдя, боюсь, что тебя теряю.
День растворился в тихом молчаньи,
Сводит с ума меня ожиданье.
Пусть между нами сотни дорог, ты знай!

Любовь моя – мой вечный бой,
Все мысли мои о тебе одной.
Сгораю, словно факел, я изнутри.
Ты жизнь моя и боль моя,
Ты – голос небес, ты – моя судьба.
Скажи, зачем, забыв про всё, гибну я?

[Instrumental solo]

На испытанья стали похожи ночи.
С каждым рассветом наши пути короче.
Чувство разлуки невыносимо,
Время уносит неумолимо.
Но я найду, поверь, я найду тебя!


Сквозь все преграды готов пройти ради тебя.
Ничто на свете не страшно, если есть мечта.
Верю, однажды случай подскажет
И верный путь к тебе мне укажет.
И я найду, поверь, я найду тебя!

Будь со мной,
Без любви сердце жизни не знает.
Образ твой
Вижу в тишине ночной я.


[Instrumental solo]

“Любовь Моя” is not just a song about love; it is a deep and touching story of searching, waiting, and hope. It touches on universal themes familiar to many and leaves the impression that even in the darkest moments, there is always a light of hope.

You can listen to my other vocal tracks on MY SONGS page.